
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Finals and Freedom

Thanksgiving was a wonderful break for me this year as my schooling has kicked up a notch as we approach finals. The week before thanksgiving i had an 8-15 page paper on philosophy due and thank God i finished it in time and mine was actually 19 pages, hopefully my prof. won't mark me down for being a little over... Although i'm sure they are not much fun to read. :D Anyhow, i was exhausted by the end of that week and thuroghly enjoyed my thanksgiving break and all the food and family! So this week i went back to classes with a bang and started the week out with a presentation on Tuesday at 7:40AM... glad that's over now too. Now i guess the only thing left is to reach finals week and finish well.
Things are going well at home and at work. Kregels is getting busier by the day and I love selling all the Christmas gifts and seeing everyone's excitement for the season. a little snow came down today and i thought this might be our first big snow, but with it being michigan you know it stopped snowing within minuets and the sun came out to greet us! i do love the seasons!

Well, if you want more on what i've been up to check out our other blog...

Hope you all are great!! Love and Prayers!

1 comment:

  1. hey! you are a great source of encouragment for me :)
