It's been a slow day and the weather is perfect for it. I went to work at the wrong time this morning thinking i was supposed to be there by 9:30 when actually i don't work until 3:30.. hmmm not sure how i messed that up. Needless to say, i was a little bummed out when i left work this morning; but the day has gone well despite it. I got some things done for the wedding and i've even relaxed a little bit. Thanks God.
This weekend i leave to go camping for a few days with my family in Mesick, MI. Mesick is a little town along the Hodenpyl Dam. Perfect for camping. I'm looking forward to the much needed relief of relaxation and the comforts of camping. Only 19 days until the big day and the details are wrapping up nice. Jared and I have started putting our gifts away in his house and it's funny how little he lived with before all of our wedding showers. My mom asked me yesterday if the house was starting to feel more like mine and in a way it is because i've been putting things together and adding some touches here and there but i don't think it will really feel like mine until i've lived in it for a while. Jared assures me though that it does feel more like a home now that there are things in it. :D
I hope that this blog finds you all well. Enjoy the day!
God Bless and Sleep well,
Christina Lindsey
Thanks for writing this.