
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sometimes we do the things we think we'll hate the most and find that it's the one thing we'll love forever.

Ahh.. The mud Pit! This week was incredible. My campers were such amazing women and i know that God is working in and through them daily. I cannot tell you how beautiful it is to watch a camper come with such a broken spirit and a willingness to learn and to grow and to watch God work so personally in their lives. We had a blast this week just being girls and goofing off in the mud-pit, beating Rockford Baptist at capture the flag... twice, hanging out in the game room, and even learning to sing a little bit. :^) (thanks girls for giving my teaching skills a shot.) One more week has come and passed and now all there is too look forward too is one last week of camp and the joy of keeping in touch with my campers. I really love to hear from you all and i want you to know that you can call me or shoot me an email any time for any reason.

I have learned so much this summer and i look forward to all the things that God still has in store for me and i would love to hear about all of the things God is doing in your life too!! I love you all and hope that you are having a great week!

Sleep well, God Bless!!

Christina Lindsey

Monday, July 17, 2006


It's been an incredible week of ups and downs. From being sick all the time to laughing your head off because your campers rock at "Big ball volleyball" it's been an interesting week to say the least. I have enjoyed every minuet of camp so far and though there are definately days when you just want to give up and go home, God continually gives us what we need to make it through and have a blast doing it. I was so stinkin' sick last week and i felt terrible because i felt like my campers had a crappy cabin leader because of it. However, God has completely restored my health and i even took a few naps this weekend... ;^) (Thanks Jared) Keep praying that God would open the floodgates of these kids hearts and break down walls that they've put up so that He can get in there and restore and renew their outlooks and their lives. He is faithful! Keep smiling and don't ever forget to remember the little things that make you smile.
"But the Lord of hosts will be exalted in judgement and the Holy God will show himself Holy in righteousness." -Isaiah 5:16

God Bless, Sleep Well!
-Christina Lindsey

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Camp??... Not quite.

No, no, camp isn't exactly a weekly circus where we just paint our smiles on and hope for the best. No, it's much more than that. It's about real smiles, real conversations, real fun... outside of the Television set. It's about nature, God, kids, and a heart of worship and passion to see kids know Christ. Thats what it's all about. That's why i do it and thats why i love it. If you've never been a camper or maybe you have and you didn't really have a good experience, i'm sorry that you missed all of that. If you have been a camper, or maybe you work at a camp then you know what i mean when i say it's REAL fun.... real life and a real God. He is good and He's faithful.

Last week was our Jr. High rafting trip on Thursday. The week was incredible. There was a little bit of rain that held off our trip until Thursday but it was a great trip and the rest of the time was well spent having a blast and learning new and exciting things. Myself included. I can't tell you how much i'm learning in this whole process. I love doing this and the kids are so refreshing. They have such interesting outlooks on life and i know that most of that will change with time and maturity but it's fun to watch now.... Sometimes i need to be reminded of the simple things in life and they help me do that. Thanks girls.

Love you all, God Bless!

-Christina Lindsey