I want to reach for the stars and find that i can't reach them. I want to fly and know that without the propeller i wouldn't go anywhere. I want to stand next to a child and feel so small in this beautiful and vast land.
This week at camp a lot of lives were changed, a lot of hearts were open to the truth of Jesus Christ and his poured out love on the Cross. We sang this song at chapel on share night and so often we sing the words to songs like this one and we fail to recognize what those words are implying. We need to be active for Christ with that same passion that He went to the cross with. He loves us with an incredible love that we cannot fathom, may we be bold enough to love the world like that....
"The world can't handel the amount of grace that God has for us." -Chris weeks
Let's live our lives knowing that the grace of God is a deep well and He longs to pour it out on us.
"8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." -Deuteronomy 31:8